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Saturday, July 27, 2024

AMDIE: the results exceed the objectives set in 2022

The Moroccan Agency for the Development of Investments and Exports (AMDIE) has announced that it has achieved “convincing” results which exceed the objectives set for the year 2022.

These results suggest opportunities for development and growth for the current year, said AMDIE in a press release on its board of directors, held last Tuesday under the chairmanship of the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Investment, Convergence and Evaluation of Public Policies, Mohcine Jazouli.

Rightly, for the 2022 financial year, the Agency has prioritized on the one hand the prospecting and commercial canvassing of national and foreign job-creating investors by type of market, sector of activity and territory, reports the same source. And on the other hand, AMDIE has supported the promotion of Moroccan exporting companies internationally.

This results-oriented approach resulted in the organization of 169 investment and export-oriented promotional actions, the signing of 135 agreement memoranda of understanding corresponding to an investment potential of 63 billion dirhams (MMDH) of CAPEX and the creation of nearly 58,000 direct jobs.

The Agency has also put in place a more qualitative promotion and communication strategy with all of its stakeholders in a logic of partnership, cooperation and highlighting of Morocco’s value proposition.

The main objectives of this approach are to develop the attractiveness of the Kingdom’s economy and to hoist the Morocco brand as a national economic brand carrying ambition, confidence and challenges.

Finally, the Agency has opted for efficient and optimized management of its activities, thus enabling it to position itself as a reference agency in the promotion and development of investments and exports, serving the influence of the Morocco, improving its competitiveness and creating stable jobs throughout the national territory.

AMDIE’s ambitions are aligned with the High Royal Guidelines which make investment the driving force behind the economic recovery of the Kingdom.

At the end of this board meeting, the activity report and the financial statement for 2022 were approved by the directors, as well as the different axes of AMDIE’s strategy for the current year.

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