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Saturday, July 27, 2024

‘Authentic Culture’: Argentine Politician Hails Morocco’s Uniqueness

Morocco always fascinates visitors with its civilization, uniqueness and authentic culture, said Julio Bárbaro, Secretary of State for Culture under the government of former Argentine President Carlos Saúl Menem (1989-1999).

Bárbaro, who chaired the Federal Authority of Audiovisual Communication Services for several years, said that Morocco enjoys ancestral traditions and a rich and secular history, noting that the Kingdom “is for the visitor a source of wonder, so that he melts into this community to the point of feeling that he has never left his country of origin.

The former parliamentarian told M24, MAP’s 24-hour news channel, that Morocco’s tourism offer, which reflects its cultural wealth, makes it a privileged destination for those seeking to explore the depths of history and “experience the lifestyle of Moroccans, which causes jealousy among some.”

The leader of Argentina’s Justicialist party stressed that Morocco, which has been chosen by many writers and artists as a place of residence, including the famous Spanish writer Juan Goytisolo, is a hospitable and generous country by nature.

Julio Bárbaro, who was also a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires, stressed that Morocco is a very important country for Argentina, calling to build bridges of friendship and communication between the two Atlantic countries.

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