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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Forsa 2023: already 134,000 applications for the 2nd edition

After the great success of the 1st edition of the Forsa government program, the 2nd edition is arousing strong enthusiasm, with 134,000 applications in just three weeks of the opening of the forsa.ma platform.

Like the first edition, the digitization of applications on forsa.ma has allowed access to the program to people from all regions of Morocco, thus guaranteeing the same opportunities for all eligible participants.

In this respect, it is important to mention that the 134,000 participations cover all sectors of activity, in particular agriculture and agri-food, e-commerce and commerce, tourism and leisure and catering. It should also be noted that nearly two thirds of the applications are projects not yet created which will require support from the ideation phase to the effective implementation of the project.

The next steps will concern the processing of applications by the Customer Relations Center, which will verify the completeness and completeness of the data provided by the candidates. Successful applications will then be assigned to the program’s incubators for the technical evaluation of the projects.

As a reminder, Forsa 2023 provides support and funding for 10,000 project leaders.

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