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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hydrogen capsule: NamX inspires Toyota

The vision of young Moroccan Faouzi Annajah to develop rechargeable capsules for his NamX hydrogen vehicle has been emulated in the automotive world. As evidenced by Toyota which, obviously, seems to have followed suit.

“Toyota follows NamX and creates its own hydrogen cartridge with Woven Planet”. It is under this title that the specialized site “Autoevolution” revealed the adoption of hydrogen capsule technology by Toyota. In an article published last year, the media revealed to the public how Moroccan Faouzi Annajah’s startup, NamX, inspired the Japanese.

In the article published on June 3, 2022, Gustavo Henrique Ruffo, the author, writes in Chapô this: “NamX presented the NamX HUV on May 13, and the vehicle attracted our attention much less than the hydrogen capsules (…) Either Toyota liked the idea or they were working on something similar. Less than a month later, the Japanese automaker introduced its hydrogen cartridges. Cartridges of a “more ambitious” use, according to the Japanese automotive giant.

Indeed in an official video, the manufacturer indicates that it has developed these cartridges so that hydrogen becomes “a familiar and widespread source of energy”. Therefore these cartridges are supposed to gradually integrate hydrogen into the daily lifestyle of men. And as a testing ground, Toyota has chosen “Woven City”, its city of the future project, the first stone of which was laid in 2021.

Thus, Toyota’s hydrogen cartridges will be intended for both mobility and domestic applications. “Toyota has (…) presented an image showing these cartridges in motorcycles, cars, drones, heaters and generators – in short, everything that can run on electricity”, relates the article. This is confirmed by the illustrations in the video. Which obviously goes beyond the single use unveiled by NamX.

While Faouzi Annajah revealed this technology to power the NamX as a world premiere, Toyota’s project also seems well advanced. Although revealed a little later. The question we ask ourselves is who inspired the other?

While waiting to have contradictory factual data, the facts grant Faouzi Annajah, and his team NamX, the paternity of the idea. For the benefit of the doubt.

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