21.1 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Industrial Activity Improved in November (Survey)

The results of the monthly business survey in industry for November indicate an improvement of the activity, according to Morocco’s central bank.

Thus, the production would have increased in all the branches except the food-processing industry where it would have stagnated and the electric and electronic industry where it would have decreased, said Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM) in its survey based on data collected between December 1st and 30th, 2022.

In these conditions, the Rate of Use of Production Capacity (TUC) would have been established at 75% after 74% the previous month, the same source said.

As for sales, they would have recorded an increase both on the local and foreign markets. By branch of activity, they would have progressed in all the branches except for chemistry and parachemistry where they would have stagnated and the electric and electronic where they would have fallen.


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