23 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Inshore, Artisanal Fishing: Landings Fell by 6% at the End of April

Landings of marketed products from coastal and artisanal fishing have reached 290,940 tons (T) in the first four months of this year, down 6% compared to the same period of 2022, according to the National Fisheries Office (ONP).

In terms of value, these landings show an increase of 1% to more than 3.5 billion dirhams, said the ONP in its recent report on the statistics of coastal and artisanal fishing in Morocco.

By species, landings of cephalopods and pelagic fish have decreased by 27% to 23,175 t and 7% to 228,456 t, while landings of seaweed, crustaceans, shellfish and white fish have increased by 81%, 24%, 15% and 14% respectively.

By port, a total of 6,036 t of coastal and artisanal fishery products were landed in the Mediterranean port entrances at the end of April 2023, down by 12% compared to the same period a year earlier. In terms of value, these ports recorded an increase of 4% to 244.09 million dirhams.


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