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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mobile application predicts if and in which areas it will have many mosquitoes

Low levels of nuisance from mosquitoes forecast by mid-June in Central Macedoniadue to the cold March that preceded and -according to the climatic data processed by the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of the Department of Geology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki- was the coldest of the last decade.

Eleni Katrangou, Associate Professor of the Department of Geology, points out to APE-MPE that these data, which come from the database of the European Weather Forecast Center (ECMWF) and the ERA5 analysis data, reveal thatLast March was not only the coldest of the last 10 years but also 2.24 degrees Celsius colder than the climatic average of Central Macedonia for the reference period 1981-2010.

This fact, as assessed by the president of the company Oikoanaptixi SA. Spyros Mourelatos«resulted in a very low level of mosquito hatching at this time and therefore very low levels of nuisance». He tells APE-MPE that in April, temperature values ​​and rainfall levels were normal, but the low temperatures in March allow the forecast for low populations of larvae and thriving mosquitoes and low levels of nuisance from these until mid-June.

He clarified, however, that these data are not sufficient to make a safe prediction of mosquito nuisance levels throughout the summer season, as, as he points out, even a single week of rainfall would be enough to completely reverse this picture subsequently.

As far as West Nile virusthe first data on its release in Central Macedonia are expected at the end of June.

Mosquito control program in progress – Sprays extended

In the meantime, the program is in progress mosquito control throughout Central Macedonia, under a three-year contract of the Region. The Deputy Regional Minister of Public Health and Social Solidarity Melina Dermentzopoulou emphasizes in APE-MPE that “Work on the ground-based mosquito control project in the region began in early April with critical outbreaks as well as urban outbreaks in the capitals of the seven regional units. At the same time, last week sprays were carried out in other settlements and in outbreaks where an increased concentration of mosquitoes can be observed, such as parks, cemeteries, hospitals and wells of large cities. At the end of the month there will be spraying in pits, while the epidemiological monitoring begins in collaboration with the AUTh».

Ms. Dermentzopoulou also points out that the process is monitored by a scientific committee, assures that the Region makes every effort in its area of ​​responsibility and emphasizes that cooperation is cultivated with the Municipalities, which must implement their own programs to achieve the best result.

The Mosquito Vision and the telephone line 811 244 24 are in operation

At the same time, the deputy governor announces that launched a few days ago, for this season, the Mosquito Vision application for mobile phonesthrough which the citizens of Central Macedonia can be informed free of charge about the forecast mosquito nuisance in specific areas. The public can also contact the line by phone 800 11 244 24 for relevant reports and complaints.

For his part, Mr. Mourelatos notes that two more functions have been added to the application this year, communicating with users for indication of mosquito breeding grounds, through the sending of photos and the assessment of nuisance levels per area.

Under the program “digital annoyance prediction application by Mosquito Vision mosquitoes“, Which is part of the strategy of smart specialization (RIS3) and has partners Ecoanaptixi SA and the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of AUTh, provides the technological upgrade of the application and the operation of an electronic platform for use by the Region and accredited bodies.

Ten more meteorological stations are installed to record hydrometeorological data such as temperature, humidity, rainfall levels and wind. For these stations, an effort will be made to connect them with the other 30 that operate under the responsibility of the Region, the AUTh and other bodies, in order to enhance the accuracy and security of forecasts.

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