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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Morocco ranks 76th in 2022 FM Global Resilience Index

El mahjoub Dasaa

Morocco ranked 76th globally and ninth in the Middle East and North Africa region, in the “Resilience Index 2022”, issued by the American company “F&M Global” specialized in insurance services.

Morocco scored 46.4 out of 100, which ensured that it was given the ninth place regionally and 76th globally.

At the Arab level, the UAE ranked first, which ranked 22 globally, followed by Qatar 32, Saudi Arabia 43, Bahrain 53, Oman 54, Kuwait 62, Tunisia 72, Egypt 73, Morocco 76, Jordan 80, Lebanon 102, Algeria 104.

The UAE surpassed Japan, which ranked 24th in the world, with a score of 80.8, and Hong Kong, which came in the 26th place, with a score of 79.8, and Italy, which ranked 29th with a score of 76.7, and South Korea, which came in the 30th place, with a score of 76.7. The UAE also outperformed China, India, and Russia, which all came out of the top 50 countries on the index.

Denmark ranked first in the “Resilience Index for 2022” this year, which got the full score “100 out of 100”, while Switzerland came in second place with a score of 97.7, and Luxembourg ranked third with a score of 97.5.

It is worth noting that the index ranks the world’s countries on an annual basis based on the levels of resilience available to them in the face of various emerging threats. The index, in its classification of countries’ resilience levels, is based on three main factors: economic resilience, risk levels, and supply and supply chains that ensure that each country meets its needs from the various commodities it imports.

The 2022 FM Global Resilience Index is the only data-driven tool that provides you with a means for understanding the resilience of nearly 130 countries’ business environments.

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