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Morocco Stresses Centrality of Just Palestinian Cause, its Firm and Constant Position Towards it

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates Nasser Bourita stressed, Thursday in Nouakchott, the centrality of the just Palestinian cause and the Kingdom’s firm and constant position towards it.

“The Kingdom, in view of developments in the Palestinian territories, reaffirms the centrality of the just Palestinian cause and its firm and consistent position towards it,” he said during the work of the 49th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), held on 16 and 17 March under the theme “Moderation: The Key to Security and Stability”.

He added that for the Kingdom of Morocco, whose HM King Mohammed VI chairs the Al-Quds Committee, within the OIC, the Palestinian issue is one of the priorities of its foreign policy.

According to him, the Palestinian issue also represents the pillar of Morocco’s political and diplomatic action and humanitarian initiatives, conducted under the enlightened leadership of the Sovereign to assert the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, defend the city of Al Quds and preserve its spiritual character, its legal status and its historical and civilizational character, as well as to work to improve the living conditions of its people through the Bayt Mal Al Quds Asharif Agency, the financial and field arm of the Al Quds Committee.

Bourita said that Morocco, in light of developments in the Palestinian territories, considers the Palestinian issue “as a real challenge facing the joint Islamic action, which involves combining efforts to revive the peace process in the Middle East with the aim of achieving a fair and comprehensive settlement.”

The Minister said that this will be possible only by adopting a realistic vision and a pragmatic perception, as part of a collective effort and a unified discourse, which stands apart from the sterile outbidding and the odious political instrumentalization that would harm the Palestinian cause instead of serving it.

Bourita also said that the Kingdom has always chosen the path of moderation and fairness and has made it a beacon that illuminates its directions.

In this sense, he recalled that Morocco has implemented since 2003 a comprehensive and multidimensional strategy that has proved effective against terrorism and extremism.

He explained that Morocco has made its experience available to brotherly and friendly countries, especially in Africa, by mobilizing for this purpose two important institutions that contribute to the strengthening of spiritual security and the fight against extremist ideology in Africa, namely the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Ulema, which is present in more than 32 African countries, and the Mohammed VI Institute for the Training of Imams, Mourshidin and Mourshidat, which has opened its doors to the brothers of Africa, in general, and the Sahel countries, in particular.

He reiterated Morocco’s call to the Islamic countries to increase cooperation in order to eradicate terrorism and block the way to extremist groups that seek to distort the image of Islam and present it as a religion of extremism, which fuels hatred and racism against Muslims worldwide and encourages extremist intellectual and political tendencies to offend the sacred symbols of the Islamic religion.

After recalling the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the economies of the OIC Member States, which are still working to recover, and the successive crises in the world that have exacerbated security, food and energy problems, he called for more solidarity and synergy in order to formulate a unified and responsible position that provides ideas and practical and effective solutions to these crises.

The Minister stressed that these challenges require redoubling efforts to strengthen joint Islamic action so that it can meet the developmental and social challenges facing the Member States.

“The Kingdom stresses the importance of pursuing the reform dynamic within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, according to a participatory vision, based on consensus and a long-term vision, far from the logic of tensions and rivalries that would affect our cohesion and union,” he said.

He renewed Morocco’s full willingness to adhere to all initiatives to develop joint Islamic action and meet the legitimate aspirations of peoples to security and stability.

He also reiterated the Kingdom’s support for all initiatives and good offices aimed at advancing the peace process in a number of Islamic countries that are still experiencing wars and conflicts, the optimal goal, according to him, is to adhere to its principles consisting of the preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Islamic countries, non-interference in their internal affairs and the resolution of disputes and conflicts by peaceful and diplomatic means.



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