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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Open Innovation Territory competition: closing of the 1st edition

Friday July 29, 2022 in Tangier, the first edition of the international innovation competition, TDC 2022, organized by the Regional Investment Center of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region CRI TTA, in partnership with the APDN and the Tangier Foundation Med, under the aegis of the Wilaya, was closed, in the presence of more than 150 people and 400 spectators online, with the announcement of 4 winning projects:

the grand prize worth 150,000 dhs was won by Mohamed BADADICH for his project to manufacture professional “GEURRYCHEF” economic and ecological HYBRID ovens combining two conventional and ecological energy sources;
the 2nd prize, worth 100,000 dhs, is granted to the Cooperative Bio CANNAT represented by AZIZ MAKHLOUF, for its project to transform cannabis for medical use;
the 3rd prize in the amount of 70,000 dhs, is awarded to TARIK BOUBKER for the cinematographic center project in chefchaouen “بيت السينما مركز الإنتاج السمعي البصري والتسق ي
and finally, a 4th jury prize of 50,000 dhs, is awarded to KHAWLA MSSYAH for its NALIDA POWER project which consists of the manufacture of solar, innovative and connected urban furniture.
This community initiative, the first of its kind on a national scale, aims to:

promote the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship in the region;
contribute to the economic impetus and the strengthening of the regional territorial offer;
offer personalized and community support to all project leaders affecting
This participatory and inclusive open innovation event recorded the registration of 1,162 candidates and 232 projects from the territories of the TTA region, other regions of Morocco and about twenty countries from the 5 continents.

Territorial awareness-raising and onboarding roadshows have made it possible to approach thousands of our young people and project leaders in all localities in parallel with broad digital communication, in particular through thematic webinars organized to promote investment opportunities in the region’s flagship sectors as part of the challenges.

After the first pre-selection phases, 20 finalist projects made their pitch the same day before the grand jury made up of renowned personalities and stakeholders from the regional and national investment ecosystem.

10 finalist projects respond to the challenges arising from the first theme which is Territorial Attractiveness, 4 respond to the challenges of the second theme relating to the Sustainable Economy and 6 finalist projects have attempted to find solutions to the challenges arising from the last theme relating to Intelligence and Digital Transformation

Territory Development Challenge “TDC” is, as a reminder, a collective call for innovation at the national and international level, addressed to any project leader, employee, winners and students of the Grandes Ecoles, start-ups, national and foreign investors… who can provide a solution. to a problem encountered in the TTA region.

9 challenges have been chosen for this first edition, which concerns territorial attractiveness, sustainable economy and intelligence and digital transformation. The best projects selected will benefit from close community support and privileged access to the various mechanisms and incentives for investment and entrepreneurship offered by the State through the CRI and its ecosystem. This personalized support will affect all the technical-financial and managerial aspects of the projects and will guarantee their safe arrival.

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