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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Social Protection Leads Morocco to Sustainable Human Development – Health Minister

The Social Protection project, conceived and designed by HM King Mohammed VI, is putting Morocco on the road to balanced and sustainable human development, said the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Khalid Ait Taleb, in Casablanca on Friday.

This social project is a fundamental pillar of the Welfare State, which aims to create a more “just, equitable and supportive” society, said Ait Taleb at the opening of the 6th Morocco Today Forum, organized under the theme: “A King’s Vision: the Welfare State – on the road to completing an inclusive Morocco”

This project embodies the royal will to protect the weakest and to offer equal opportunities to all citizens, stressed the Minister at the forum organized by the Le Matin group under the patronage of HM the King, noting that the welfare state “is above all a promise of solidarity.”

One of the foundations of the social state, Ait Taleb explained, is universal access to health care. It is also about protecting the most vulnerable by providing social safety nets, he said.

For the Minister of Health and Social Protection, the welfare state is not only a “mechanism for redistributing wealth,” but also “an investment in the future,” recalling that HM the King had given His High Guidelines for the establishment of an integral and inclusive social protection system capable of reducing economic and social risks, particularly for the benefit of vulnerable categories.

To this end, the Government adopted Framework Law 09.21 on Social Protection, which provides for the extension of compulsory basic health insurance, the generalization of family allowances, the broadening of the basis for registration in pension systems and the generalization of compensation for loss of employment by 2025.

In this context, the component relating to the generalization of compulsory basic health insurance constitutes the first step in the process of implementing the project to generalize social protection, noted the Minister, stressing that the public expenditure devoted to this project “will make it possible to reduce, if not eliminate, the costs associated with medical consultations, medicines and hospitalizations.”

The Minister stressed that the success of universal health coverage “continues to depend on a modern, resilient health system.”

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