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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The parliamentary majority is preparing to launch an exploratory mission

The parliamentary groups with the majority in the House of Representatives are preparing to carry out an exploratory mission, in order to identify the problems linked to market speculation and the rise in prices of a number of products causing strong social tensions.

The parliamentary majority is seeking, according to the request it sent to the head of the Productive Sectors Committee on Friday, to organize an exploratory and temporary mission to identify the distribution and marketing channels for agricultural products in order to determine the anomalies and the reasons of this price increase.

Mohamed Ghayate, group leader of the National Rally of Independents in the House of Representatives, indicated that the majority is aware of the aspirations and interests of the citizen, stressing that the issue of the marketing of agricultural products is a priority at the current stage, especially after the achievement of the strategic objectives of the Green Morocco Plan with what Morocco has achieved in the field of infrastructure for agricultural development and capacity building of actors in the agricultural field.

Ghayate explained, in a statement given to MoroccoLatestNews, that the exploratory mission is part of the deepening of knowledge on the marketing of agricultural products, their conditions and the evolution of prices, and particularly in the light of the circumstances which require the intervention of the legislative institution in the protection of the purchasing power of citizens.

The group leader of the National Rally of Independents stressed that “the results of the mission are aimed at the implementation of the Green Generation program, which revolves around the modernization of the sector according to an integrated vision of the marketing of agricultural products”.

The same spokesperson adds that the mission concerns the issue of speculation on the prices of agricultural products, which has caused harm to citizens, in recent months, through behavior that he described as unpatriotic by exploiting this crisis. prices. Thus, he wants to put in place a clear working methodology to put an end to these practices.

It should be noted that Mustapha Baitas, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Relations with Parliament, Government Spokesman, had declared, during a press briefing after the Council of Government, that the measures taken by the government aim to supply the products in a sufficient way in the wholesale markets, indicating that the resolution of the problem of rising prices is linked to the reform of the wholesale markets.

Although the law on freedom of prices and competition obliges traders to clearly display the prices of products in front of the consumer, this procedure is not respected in the fruit and vegetable markets.

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