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Saturday, July 27, 2024

UN Official Calls Morocco’s Solar Potential ‘Source of Opportunities’ for Agricultural Irrigation Pumping

The high solar potential of Morocco is a source of opportunities for solar pumping for agricultural irrigation, said Tuesday in Rabat, the Deputy Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Morocco, Martine Therer.

“Morocco’s strong solar potential opens up prospects for the development of the solar pumping market” in the field of agriculture, Therer argued in a speech delivered at the closing workshop of the Solar Pumping for Agricultural Irrigation Program (PSIA-GEF), launched in 2017 by the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) in partnership with the UNDP.

“In a global context of multiple crises, namely the economic, energy, environmental, climate, health and drought crisis repeatedly in Morocco, this market is an important lever for the creation of jobs and wealth in the transition to the green economy,” explained the UN official.

It is also a market that contributes to climate action and the reduction of greenhouse gases, she continued, adding that beyond its environmental importance, it is a solution that is increasingly economical for farmers, because it frees them from problems related to the supply of fuel and reduces their energy bill, at a time when energy prices are rising.

The GEF-solar pumping project, as designed and implemented jointly by AMEE and UNDP, contributes directly to strengthening Morocco’s ambitious strategies that chart a course toward sustainable, inclusive development by prioritizing improving people’s living conditions, strengthening and sustainably managing natural resources, and accelerating the energy transition and improving economic competitiveness, Therer said.

“It is also a project that fits perfectly with Morocco’s commitments at the international level, under the Paris Agreements on climate and the 2030 Agenda,” she said, noting that it also contributes to the implementation of several sustainable development objectives relating to the preservation of water resources, food security, the fight against climate change, the development of renewable energy, but also the reduction of poverty and inequality.

Describing as “very satisfactory” the results of the program, the UN official said that “the independent evaluation has shown a rate of achievement of 100% or more for most of the project targets.

In addition, she said she “very much appreciated” the territorial approach that was adopted in this project and which has mobilized local actors and provided local support to farmers and their professional organizations.

“This is where things happen and where this energy and ecological transition is going to take place. So it is very important to work with local actors,” she stressed.

“This program has a strong potential for replication and generalization at the national level and beyond, especially through South-South cooperation, starting with the African continent where many countries are turning to solar and renewable energy to reduce their energy dependence and achieve this transition to a green economy,” concluded the UN official.

Launched in 2017 by AMEE in partnership with UNDP and with the financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the GEF-Solar Pumping Project, which reached the end of its implementation in 2022, had the overall purpose of establishing the framework conducive to the development of the solar pumping market in Morocco.

Previous articleTotal WB Active Portfolio in Morocco Amounts to $780Mln – Regional Director
Next articleHead of Government, Aziz Akhannouch reaffirmed, Tuesday in New York, Morocco’s commitment to reach a final political solution to the artificial regional dispute over the Sahara, based on the Moroccan autonomy initiative and within the framework of national sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Kingdom. “The Kingdom of Morocco reiterates its commitment to reach a final political settlement to the artificial regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara, based on the Moroccan autonomy initiative, the only solution to this dispute, and this within the framework of the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of the Kingdom,” said Akhannouch in the statement on behalf of Morocco before the 77th UN General Assembly. The Head of Government recalled that this “serious and realistic” initiative enjoys, since its presentation in 2007, the support of the Security Council and over 90 countries. “On the ground, the southern provinces live at the pace of an irreversible development dynamic, under the new development model launched by HM King Mohammed VI in 2015,” said Akhannouch, indicating that the people of the region participate fully in all stages of implementation of this ambitious model, through their democratically elected representatives in the Councils of the two regions of the Moroccan Sahara. He also noted that the active participation of the populations of the Moroccan Sahara in all aspects of political, economic, social and cultural life reflects their commitment to the territorial integrity of Morocco and the Moroccanness of the Sahara. The Head of Government also reiterated Morocco’s full support, as emphasized in the speech of HM King Mohammed VI on the occasion of the 46th anniversary of the Green March, to the efforts of the UN Secretary General and his Personal Envoy to relaunch the roundtable process in the same format and with the same participants, in order to reach a realistic and lasting political solution, based on compromise, in accordance with the resolutions of the Security Council, including 2602. “The participation of Algeria, with seriousness and good faith, in the roundtable process, as well as its proven responsibility in the creation and maintenance of this artificial dispute, is a sine qua non condition for achieving a final settlement to this issue,” said Akhannouch. Morocco has again expressed its deep concern about the catastrophic humanitarian situation and the state of lawlessness that the populations of the Tindouf camps are living, said the Head of Government, stressing that Algeria, in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law, has ceded its powers over this part of its territory to armed separatist militias with proven and confirmed links with dangerous terrorist networks in the Sahel region. In this context, Akhannouch reiterated the call of Morocco to the international community to encourage Algeria to respond to the appeals of the Security Council launched since 2011, to allow the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to proceed with the census and registration of the population held against its will in the Tindouf camps.
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