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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vivo Energy Morocco confirms its support for responsible and responsible youth entrepreneurship

Vivo Energy Morocco, the company responsible for marketing and distributing Shell-branded fuels and oils in Morocco, and Butagaz-branded LPG, has been awarded the Environmental Citizenship Award for the alternative energy production project presented by start-up Vachaleur and developed by a group of students. In the multidisciplinary college of Sidi Bennour.

Vivo Energy Morocco, the company responsible for marketing and distributing Shell-branded fuels and oils in Morocco, and Butagaz-branded LPG, has been awarded the Environmental Citizenship Award for the alternative energy production project presented by start-up Vachaleur and developed by a group of students. In the multidisciplinary college of Sidi Bennour.

According to a press releas received by L’industrie du Maroc magazine, the award falls within the framework of the “company program” of the Association of Injaz Al-Maghrib, which supports companies with educational and educational goals, in which Vivo Energy has been among its partners since 2007. The competition, in its session this year, enabled hundreds of students to Various Moroccan universities have to work in teams in order to establish young companies capable of embodying their projects.

“The Environmental Citizenship Award is part of our commitment to work towards establishing citizenship in a local, responsible and sustainable manner,” said Hend Majati Elalamy, Corporate Communications and Corporate Responsibility Director at Vivo Energy Morocco. Our ecosystem. We were impressed by the richness and quality of the proposed operations, which are fully in line with our values ​​and our sustainable development strategy.”

Thus, Vivo Energy Morocco confirms its support for young entrepreneurs by renewing its partnership with INJAZ Morocco for the next three years. The company has been accompanying for 15 years the development of a nursery of competencies to encourage entrepreneurship, which constitutes a strong lever to stimulate the economy and promote job creation.

“The renewal of our partnership with Vivo Energy Morocco embodies the distinction of this beneficial and sustainable partnership,” said Leila Mamou, President of INJAZ Morocco. This support is not just a financial contribution, but every year we notice a real and active activation. Perhaps this direct participation is what explains that we, together with Vivo Energy Morocco, have succeeded in implementing important programs to encourage entrepreneurship over these years.”

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