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Saturday, July 27, 2024

4th edition of the Annual Meeting of Women Engineers: female leadership, a real vector for the success of the energy transition

More than 200 participants attended the 4th edition of the Annual Meeting of Women Engineers in Morocco. A real success for the event held under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, and organized by the Club of Women Engineers of EMI-CFIE, female branch of the Association of Engineers of the Mohammedia school (AIEM).

Dealing with the theme of “Female leadership, a lever for accelerating the energy transition”, this fourth edition, held face-to-face, addressed a topical subject on the energy transition which deals with socio-economic and technological issues as well as financial and policies.

In her opening address to the event Mrs. Nawal Gharmili Sefrioui, President of the Association of Engineers of the Mohammedia School (AIEM) noted that: “The sponsorship of King Mohammed VI testifies to the strategic importance of the subject for the development of the country. As president of the AIEM, I am proud that we can bring together expert professional decision-makers to discuss the crucial subject for the future of our country. The objective is to deepen the debate and bring together recommendations for a successful ambitious energy transition for Morocco. We are convinced that female leadership will play a key role in the success of this transition and we are delighted to be able to explore together the means to promote the participation of female engineers in this field”.

In turn, welcoming the guests, Hayat Elkird, Secretary General of the Club of Women Engineers of EMI (CFIE) assured that “through this meeting, we wish to highlight the female leadership in the transition energy, which like any other sector, requires the mobilization of skills, men and women, from design to implementation with the entire related ecosystem.

Morocco has launched structuring and avant-garde projects relating to renewable energies, the establishment of mechanisms to promote the balance of the energy mix, green finance, etc.

Regarding the current challenges and future vision of the energy transition in Morocco. Ryad Mezzour, Minister of Industry and Trade assured that “Taken separately, female leadership and the energy transition represent two national priorities. His Majesty the King, may God assist him, insisted on the need to strengthen the role of women in the economic sphere. He also insisted on the strengthening of the energy transition by taking advantage of the positioning opportunities of our country. The government has set itself the priority of achieving a 30% rate of participation of women in economic activity by 2026. This is a real challenge in the sense that it is necessary to create more employment opportunities. Indeed, the energy transition is a way in itself to create value, to also attract more investors and to offer more job opportunities to ensure better inclusion”.

For her part, Laila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development said that “The theme allows us to talk about the role of women in the most important challenge of this century, but not that, it is also the most important market opportunity. The energy transition is not a sectoral policy, it transcends all sectors. It is also a strategic bet of the New Development Model, which should enable the country to establish its growth in sustainability, not just green, but economic, financial and inclusive”.

In this sense, the ambition of Morocco’s NMD is to make energy a lever of attractiveness and development, with a view to triggering a real shock of competitiveness, around price criteria and low production methods. -carbon. Such an approach will also make it possible to strengthen the country’s energy security and establish it as a world player in sustainability and in the field of renewable energies, with a strong impetus for R&D and the industrialization of production equipment. energy. In this context of crisis, women engineers are leading players in the fight against global warming, at the head of many initiatives.

Nationally and internationally renowned criminal lawyers and guests took part in this 4th edition of the Annual Meeting of Women Engineers, coming from all walks of life related to the energy transition, in particular professionals from the private and public sectors, energy experts, bankers , lawyers… These are Aphy Amoussou Nanan, expert in Energy Transition at “Côtes d’Ivoire Energies”, Safietou Dialou, Advisor to the Managing Director of Senelec-Senegal, Marie Guys, Business Lawyer at the Cabinet Lincoln Legal Services – France, Loubna Benabbou Professor at the University of Quebec in Rimouski (UQAR), Houda ALLAL Director General Mediterranean Energy Observatory – France, Dounia TAARJI President of the Executive Board of the Hassan II Fund for Economic and Social Development…

The debate around the theme covered this year was rich, dealing with topics such as decarbonization, green hydrogen, financing, etc.

On the sidelines of this meeting, trophies are awarded to women engineers who have contributed to the development of our country in the public or private sector. This year, women engineers were awarded prizes, in particular Mrs. Fatima Bendahbia, Director of the Operations Division at Taqa Morocco, Mrs. Amal Haddouch, consultant in energy and sustainable development and Administrator. Mrs. Khadija Bendame, Head of nuclear and radiological safety and security audits at CNESTEN, as well as Mrs. Morchide Hanane, Chief Sustainability Officer at OCP Group.

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