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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Broad Debate with Moroccans Living Abroad, Essential for Successful Implementation of the Royal Guidelines

The implementation of the high guidelines contained in the royal speech delivered on the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the revolution of the King and the People requires a broad debate with the components of the community of Moroccans living abroad (MRE), according to the President of the Council of the Moroccan Community Abroad (CCME), Driss El Yazami.

Stressing that the royal speech is in line with a now well-established tradition, launched in 1999 and which gives “special attention” to the Moroccan community, El Yazami noted that HM King Mohammed VI ” addresses all actors, public and private, including the CCME, whose law must be adopted by the government and presented to parliament.”

This is an “essential and stimulating” double challenge, El Yazami said, pointing to the need “to respond to the demands and expectations of Moroccans of the world in terms of policies and institutions.”

We must respond by taking into account the profound changes that this community is experiencing: feminization, the birth of new generations, roots in the countries of residence, development of the socio-cultural situation and increasing mobility of Moroccan skills worldwide, he said.

Regarding the second challenge, Et Yazami stated that it relates to strengthening the contribution of the Moroccan community abroad to the development project. The government and other actors could usefully draw inspiration from the tracks outlined by the report on the New Development Model in this regard, he suggested.


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