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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Diplomatic success for Morocco, crisis of hysteria for Algeria

Algeria did not resist the temptation to react to the meeting of the World Anti-Daesh Coalition in Africa which took place in Marrakech at the joint invitation of Morocco and the United States. International support for the Moroccan autonomy initiative for the Sahara, which marked this meeting, was experienced as a rain of slaps in Algeria.

While diplomatic relations between Algeria and Morocco have been severed, at the initiative of Algiers, the authoritarian Algerian military regime continues to closely monitor everything related to Morocco and to interfere in its internal affairs. .

The country which presents itself only as an “observer” of the regional dispute over the Sahara, is nevertheless the only one to comment, publish press releases, threaten, give interviews and mobilize its diplomacy to try to undermine the territorial integrity of the Kingdom.

A new illustration of Algeria’s obsession with Morocco appeared in a press release from the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, following the meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh in Africa. A statement fulminating with anger which marks the exclusion and the weight of this new setback for Algeria.

Algeria denounced a “din of declarations” alluding to the large number of support expressed by the international community for the Moroccanity of the Sahara and the autonomy plan, once again making its plea for its separatist thesis, seeking to create a state in the southern provinces of Morocco.

The neighboring state, led by soldiers, denounced “the ghost of a false solution”, and a “perversion” of the fight against terrorism which “does not serve the legitimate objectives of the international community in this area”. Algeria clearly did not appreciate its being dismissed by all the countries present in Marrakech, especially since today it is the only country to sponsor terrorist movements in the south with the Malian border. .

Moreover, the leaders of terrorist groups killed in recent months, in particular by France, had their habits in Algeria where they circulated freely with the agreement of the Algerian authorities.

While all the countries present at the ministerial meeting in Marrakech praised the great efforts and the selflessness with which Morocco is fighting terrorism in Africa, a country that has become a model in this area and in security since the attacks of May 16, 2003, they also agreed that separatist movements have direct links with terrorist groups.

Morocco experienced this with the separatist movement of the Polisario, this militia created, fed, hosted and armed by Algeria, continues to threaten regional security until today. And it is precisely this that is at the origin of Algiers’ anger, since its game of manipulation and diversion of Sahrawis held captive in the Tindouf camps for almost 50 years, is now very clear to any the international community.

Indeed, this conference organized with the United States on the fight against Daesh, which explained the new implications of the redeployment of this jihadist group in Africa after being driven out of Iraq and Syria, also demonstrated the connections between the armed separatist militias and jihadist groups.

“Participants expressed their concerns about the proliferation of separatist movements in Africa which generate destabilization and increased vulnerability of African states, and which ultimately favor Daesh and other terrorist and violent extremist organizations,” said in this sense indicated the final communiqué published at the end of the work of this international conclave, which was attended by 79 countries.

The countries present also noted the strategies used by these separatist movements and terrorist movements which act in collusion and exploit the weaknesses of certain areas to multiply their impact.

Aware of this new deal, the countries insisted on renewing their attachment to the territorial integrity of Morocco, threatened by Algeria and its creation, the Polisario. All underlined their support for the autonomy solution proposed by Morocco in 2007 and which is, to date, the only solution framework respecting the nails of the UN to put an end to this false conflict.

Other countries, like the Netherlands, have announced their support for the autonomy initiative for the first time, affirming once again that only the Moroccan proposal is capable of stabilizing once and for all the region and later guarantee economic integration, which is impossible today because of Algeria, which is holding Tunisia and Mauritania hostage.

“Several diplomatic delegations announced their support for the autonomy initiative for the first time, including the Netherlands, while other delegations renewed their support for the initiative, including Serbia, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Spain, Bahrain, Kuwait, Guinea and the Central African Republic, and the list is long”, declared the head of Moroccan diplomacy, Nasser Bourita.

The Netherlands supported Morocco in defending its territorial integrity and against separatism, considering the autonomy plan as “a serious and credible contribution to the political process led by the United Nations” to find a solution to the question of the Sahara.

“This exercise of concomitant selling in which certain foreign participants were involved clearly diverted the Conference from its announced object and transformed it into a pernicious attempt to give an artificial topicality to a formula dead at its birth even in 2007” denounced the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

However, this same country, Algeria, which openly and officially criticizes the Moroccan proposal for autonomy and which at the same time says that it is only an “observer” country, is attached to a referendum proposal, which has been outdated for more 20 years, in view of the impossibility of implementing it, according to the very observations of the personal envoys of the head of the UN and of which no one has spoken since precisely 2000.

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