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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The digitalization of public administration is progressing

As part of the public administration digital transformation project, the Minister of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, Ghita Mezzour, met with the heads of various establishments to continue the work aimed at the objectives set by the New Model of development.

Ghita Mezzour met with the Secretaries General of Ministries and Directors General of Public Establishments, Skhirat, to share the progress of the national project to digitize the Moroccan administration.

The Minister informed them of the main orientations of the vision of the Ministry of Digital Transition, explaining the need to harmonize the different approaches adopted and to create synergy in projects for the digitization of administrative services, relying on the successful experiences in Morocco and abroad.

The national digitization project is taking place in a specific context, which falls within the framework of the objectives of the New Development Model, the commitments of the 2021-2026 government program and in accordance with the provisions of Law 55.19 relating to the simplification of procedures and administrative formalities, but also and above all royal guidelines, of King Mohammed VI who mentioned in these recent speeches the need to overhaul the public administration.

King Mohammed VI had stressed in this sense that the public administration must be centered on the citizen and the companies, by facilitating their access to information, procedures and documents, and had insisted on the need to put the Moroccan citizen at the heart of the priorities.

“State institutions and public companies must show an exemplary attitude and act as a lever for development, and not as a brake”, declared the sovereign during his speech to parliament on the occasion of the opening of the 1st parliamentary session in October 2020.

“The success of the economic recovery plan and the establishment of a new social contract require a real change in mentalities and a real change in the level of performance of public establishments”, he added.

As early as 2019, the King had indicated the importance he attached to the relationship between the administration and the
users, and did not fail to make a clear diagnosis of the state of the Moroccan administration and its inability to support the requirements of the digital era and the satisfaction of the expectations and aspirations of users, citizens and investors.

During the meeting, Ghita Mezzour highlighted the transversal position of his ministry in this digitization project, which allows him “to identify the good practices that have already proven themselves and to guide the actions of the administrations, in the as part of their digitization process”.

At the end of this national project, the public administration should be called upon to respond adequately to the expectations of Moroccans, by offering them a quality service, and by simplifying the process of obtaining their documents and papers, which will in purpose of establishing better trust between the administration and the citizen.

This meeting comes “to refine an integrated and unified strategic vision, according to a participative approach which associates all the actors”, affirmed the minister in a declaration to the MAP.

The ministry has already embarked on a program to strengthen civil servants’ skills in digitalization, which targets 10,000 people at central and local level, and more than 2,000 administrations already have application modules developed by the Digital Development Agency. (ADD), via the (Smart Government) component, under the supervision of the Department of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform.

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