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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Executive Vice-president of European Commission to Visit Morocco on May 10-12

The executive vice-president of the European Commission, Valdis Dombrovskis, starts this Tuesday a three-day working visit to Morocco to strengthen relations between Rabat and Brussels, the European executive announced.

The European vice-president will discuss with Moroccan officials ways to consolidate Moroccan-European trade relations and will attend the 31st annual meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), to be held in Marrakech.

The visit to Marrakech will serve as a reminder of the importance of EU-Morocco ties and the EU’s commitment to strong relations with its neighbors, particularly in light of the impact of the war in Ukraine on global food security, the Commission said, noting that the EU recently announced a €225 million package to help its partners in the southern neighbourhood cope with the consequences of rising food and commodity prices in the region.

During the trip, Dombrovskis will discuss with his Moroccan interlocutors the strengthening of trade links and will participate in a dialogue with the Moroccan Employers’ Association (CGEM) and Business Europe.

The vice-president, who will represent the European Commission at the EBRD’s annual meeting, the first ever held in North Africa, is expected to meet with EBRD president Odile Renaud-Basso, attend the main plenary session and take part in a high-level roundtable on the impact of the war in Ukraine.

He will also deliver a speech on the role of sustainable capital finance in emerging economies.

The EC vice-president will also hold a series of bilateral meetings on trade, including on the modernization of the bilateral trade agreement, the business and investment environment, and the impact of the war in Ukraine.

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