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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fees for the pilgrimage: Pending the announcement from the Saudi authorities

The Minister of Habous and Islamic Affairs, Ahmed Taoufiq, indicated that the costs of the pilgrimage for the year 1443 of the Hegira depend on the cost of the other elements which determine them and which will be announced by the competent Saudi authorities.

The Department of Habous and Islamic Affairs “expects the Saudi authorities in charge of Hajj to announce the fees for the pilgrimage which cover the basic services, namely accommodation in Mina and Arafat, as well as the fees for additional services” on these same places, explained Taoufiq in response to a central question on “the proper organization of the pilgrimage for the year 1443 of the Hegira” in the House of Representatives.

He, in this sense, stressed that his ministry will inform the Royal Commission in charge of the pilgrimage of the various elements available concerning the overall cost of the Hajj, “pending the announcement by the Saudi authorities of the remaining elements”.

The Minister also recalled that the Saudi authorities in charge of Hajj announced on April 18, 2022 the necessary provisions for the organization of the pilgrimage, namely the quota for Moroccan pilgrims which is 45% of the normal quota and the obligation for person authorized to perform the pilgrimage to be under the age of 65, provided that he or she is vaccinated and auscultated before leaving for the pilgrimage.

In this wake, he stressed that his department called on the Royal Commission in charge of the pilgrimage, which held a meeting on April 21, to inform him about this novelty, noting that “a delegation from the ministry visited the same day in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to prepare for Hajj, especially accommodation in Mecca and Medina.

It was also proceeded, in coordination with the Ministries of the Interior and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, to establish the list of Moroccan pilgrims who meet the required conditions, while those excluded because of the condition age or non-completion of the vaccination schedule will retain their right to make the pilgrimage next year if the age condition is met and the vaccination completed, he said.

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