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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mexican Media Outlet Spotlights Full Collapse of Polisario

The polisario separatist entity continues to suffer setbacks that testify to a complete collapse, said Mexican media outlet Projatt, highlighting, in contrast, the diplomatic successes achieved by the Kingdom in the Moroccan Sahara issue.

“Day after day, the setbacks of the polisario are piling up on the international scene,” the daily wrote in an Op-ed headlined “the Polisario suffers a new setback in Mexico.”

This movement “has not only lost the support of countries that have supported it in the past, but it no longer attracts interest,” the media outlet said.

According to the author of the article, Felipe Dieguez, “the latest setback for the separatist front occurred at the World Social Forum held recently in Mexico as participants showed no interest in the activities held by the front, leaving chairs and rooms empty.”

“This new humiliation, widely relayed by the media and social networks, confirms once more the failure of Brahim Ghali’s gang, which seeks to poison the Mexican public opinion with its separatist and deceptive rhetoric,” he wrote.

“The new humiliation also reveals how the propaganda of the polisario does not find any more echo within the international community, especially from the parties on which the entity counted to spread its lies,” Dieguez added.

The author also highlighted the repeated successes of Morocco’s diplomacy in recent years, which illustrate the growing support for the Moroccan autonomy plan in the Sahara among the influential countries of the UN Security Council.

“This support has thwarted the schemes of the separatists and the Algerian regime, their first sponsor, and has strengthened the position of Morocco, which continues to solidify its bilateral and multilateral relations at all levels,” the Mexican media concluded.

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