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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Morocco, Spain Arrest Two Sympathizers of So-Called Daesh – BCIJ

The Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations (BCIJ), acting on information provided by the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DGST), arrested on Wednesday a follower of the so-called “Daesh” organization, operating between Morocco and Spain, as part of its ongoing efforts to combat terrorist threats and thwart plots that threaten the security and stability of the kingdoms of Morocco and Spain.

This joint security operation with Spain’s Guardia Civil led to the simultaneous arrest of one member of the group in the city of Nador by the DGST’s special unit and of his accomplice in the city of Lérida by the same Spanish unit, according to a DGST press release.

Ongoing security coordination between the two services revealed that the two suspects were linked to elements affiliated with the “Daesh” organization in Syria, as part of preparations to carry out terrorist attacks in Europe, based on instructions from leaders of this terrorist organization, the same source said.

Investigations also confirmed that the two arrested individuals were in contact with an irregular immigration network to obtain false identity documents for use in carrying out their terrorist plans, it added.

The suspect arrested in Nador in connection with this case was taken into custody for further investigation under the supervision of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in charge of terrorism cases, the press release emphasized.

This joint operation once again demonstrates the importance of security cooperation in the fight against terrorism and violent extremism between the Kingdom of Morocco and its allies, in a regional and international context marked by the exacerbation of terrorist threats, the same source concluded.

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