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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Timetable of Morocco Rail Plan is Linked to Availability of Estimated MAD 400 Bln in Funding (Minister)

Minister of Transport and Logistics, Mohamed Abdeljalil, said Monday in Parliament that the timetable of the Morocco Rail Plan, led by the National Railways Office (ONCF), is linked to the availability of the necessary funding, which is estimated at 400 billion dirhams.

In his response to an oral question on “the creation of a high-speed train (TGV) linking Oujda to Casablanca and Nador to Tangier”, addressed by the Istiqlalien group of unity and egalitarianism, Abdeljalil said that the implementation of this Plan, which comes within the framework of the continued development of the national rail network in the long term, “requires finding innovative financing solutions based on public-private partnership, in addition to the involvement of local authorities”.

The “ambitious” railway plan includes 1,300 km of high-speed lines, which will connect Tangier to Agadir on the one hand, and Oujda to Rabat on the other, in addition to 3,800 km of medium-speed lines, added the Minister, noting that “the objective is to serve the entire national territory and accompany the economic growth of the country and the anticipated needs for passenger transport”.

These projects will connect 43 Moroccan cities instead of 23 currently, and will also ensure the rail transport of 87% of the population, i.e. an increase of 36%, he said, stressing that 10 regional hubs will be created to organize and improve integration with other modes of transport.

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