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Saturday, July 27, 2024

20.6% of Moroccan youth have a high-level diploma

On the occasion of the International Youth Day, the High Commission for Planning revealed very important numbers and statistics regarding the training levels of young people and the field of their preoccupations.

The delegate stated, in a communiqué that the Maghreb Industry magazine received a copy of, that young people between the ages of 15 and 24 represent 16.2 percent of the Moroccan population during 2021, reaching 5.9 million people; 50.9% of them are males, 59.9% live in urban areas, and 56.6% of them are between 15 and 19 years old.

The commission indicated that more than 6 young people out of every 10 (64.6%) have an intermediate certificate, 20.6% have a high-level certificate and 14.8% do not have any.

The same source added that the “Casablanca-Settat” region detains about a fifth of young people between 15 and 24 years old. (19.1%) comes in second place “Marrakesh-Safi” (13.6%), followed by “Rabat-Salé-Kenitra” (13.1%), and “Fez-Meknes” (12.2%). ).

Youth activity and employment

Of the 5.9 million young people, 16.3% are active and employed (962,000), 7.6% are unemployed (448,000), while 76.1 percent are outside the labor market (4,478,000), as more than three-quarters of them are Young people outside the labor market (75.5%) are students or students, and 21.1% are housewives.

The youth category is characterized by low participation in the labor market, as their activity rate is 23.9% compared to 45.3% for the total population. This rate is 28.9% in rural areas, compared to 20.6% in urban areas. The activity rate of young males (35.4%) is three times higher than that of females (12.1%).

During the past five years, the decline in the activity rate is more evident among young people, as this rate decreased by 4.3 points compared to 1.4 points among the total population of active age (15 years and over).

Active young people are most employed in the “agriculture, forestry and fishing” sector with a rate of 43.6%, followed by the “services” sector with 32.8% and then the “industry” sector with 12.9%.

Nearly half of the active youth who work are renters (48.6%). And waged work remains more prevalent among active young women working in urban areas, at 86%, compared to 65.2% among their male counterparts. While self-employment represents 9.6% among active young people, and this percentage reaches 11% among men, compared to 4.1% among women. The percentage of family helpers is 37.3% of the total employed active youth, reaching its highest level among active young women in rural areas (82.6%).

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