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Saturday, July 27, 2024

QNET intends to extend a pilot project for financial education “FinGreen” in Morocco

The direct selling company via the Internet “QNET” is heading towards the generalization of a model project for financial education in Morocco. Having experienced in Turkey and Nigeria, this project seeks to promote financial inclusion among the most marginalized and vulnerable populations.

In a statement, the company stated that acquiring sound financial knowledge, competencies and habits constitutes an important stage in the youth’s path towards achieving financial independence and social inclusion, as financial education, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, has become more essential than ever, given its role This is important for ensuring greater financial stability and growth, especially for young populations in emerging economies.

The statement added that on this basis, and within the framework of its social responsibility, the direct selling company based on e-commerce, “QNET”, launched its own program for financial education “FinGreen”, which will enable the development of sound financial habits and practices, among the most vulnerable population, especially young adults. through education and training.

He pointed out that financial education is among the main levers for building a modern and modern society, noting that within the framework of the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations, financial education and culture have the task of achieving many goals, including ensuring decent work for young people, in addition to contributing to growth Economic (Goal No. 8) and reducing social and spatial inequalities (Goal No. 10). Financial education also plays a key role in supporting inclusive economic growth by encouraging governments, businesses and societies to achieve broader development goals such as establishing strong social security foundations and ensuring equal opportunities for all, regardless of demographics.

According to the same source, FinGreen, which was designed during the year 2021, is in line with the sustainable development goals of the United Nations and the Addis Ababa agenda, and aims to enable people in a vulnerable situation to have the necessary skills that will enable them to become entrepreneurs, adding that this program contributes to Reducing poverty among the marginalized population, in addition to enhancing their capabilities in the field of entrepreneurship, while enabling them to acquire basic financial knowledge that will enable them to significantly improve their daily living conditions.

The FinGreen program aims to expand the financial literacy and skills of young adults by providing them with practical knowledge that enables them to make informed decisions and to effectively manage various types of financial services, all through the following three pillars:

The first is evaluation – The FinGreen financial education program’s first approach relies on a collaboration between experts and local partners in order to program appropriate and appropriate training courses. The “FinGreen” project is also carrying out several field studies within the framework of this program, which enable the evaluation of the efficacy of the training and the solution of potential problems encountering its progress.

Second, the training – the training is divided into short courses organized either face-to-face or remotely. Peer-to-peer conversations are strongly encouraged. This is of great importance, especially for young adults, especially those who come from economically vulnerable groups. The “FinGreen” components are carefully selected according to their qualifications and pedagogical methods.

Pleading Third – What distinguishes FinGreen is its commitment to building a sustainable program that can form the basis for cultivating and cultivating values ​​such as curiosity and self-esteem, as well as many rational skills. Participants are encouraged to become references to their peers and community in the field of financial education, creating a compelling effect that makes financial knowledge more accessible, resulting in a sustainable impact on society.

Advocating for Financial Inclusion

FinGreen also works to address the financial barriers to young entrepreneurs and women looking to contribute to the global e-commerce boom.

The program aims to sensitize targeted social segments to the emerging financial risks in a world increasingly based on digital technology. This aspect has become of particular importance today, which is reflected in the fact that international commercial transactions conducted via the Internet have witnessed a 10 percent increase during the past year, due to the steady growth of digital commercial transactions in the context of the pandemic.

“Financial education is a core competency for individuals, especially young people,” said Malu Kaluza, CEO and Managing Director of QNET. Financial products compared to their parents. Moreover, this young generation has gained access to banking services, performance platforms and financial services at a very early age. By developing their competencies and providing them with a good understanding of finance, these young people will be able to have all the necessary tools to enable them to make informed and informed decisions regarding their finances, savings management, or budget planning.”


“As an entrepreneur focused on developing small entrepreneurship, we know that financial independence begins with education and inclusion. Thanks to the FinGreen program, we strive to help young people and women acquire the skills, habits, and behaviors necessary to make informed financial decisions, both online and offline.”

QNET is one of the leading online direct selling companies in Asia. The company offers a wide range of health, wellbeing and lifestyle products that enable people to live a better life. The business model adopted by QNET has enabled millions of entrepreneurs in more than 100 countries around the world.

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