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Saturday, July 27, 2024

70% of Moroccans Want Better Participation of Youth in Development of Public Programs

About 70% of Moroccans want better participation of the youth in the development of public programs, according to the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (ESEC).

Better participation of young people in the development of programs comes on top of demands (69.90%), followed by the improvement of the whole ecosystem (64.35%) and closer accompaniment of young people (63.42%), showed an ESEC survey on public programs for youth carried out through the participatory digital platform “ouchariko.ma”.

Communication on the programs offered and their results are requested by 57.17% and 58.6% of respondents, the survey showed.

For 51.15% of participants in the survey, better coherence and visibility of public interventions in favor of the youth requires greater complementarity and coherence between programs.

8% of the people surveyed said that the good implementation of these programs requires more transparent management, good governance, the involvement of civil society and the promotion of “success stories.”

The survey also showed that 71% of participants said they had never participated in programs targeting youth.

The lack of communication and awareness-raising efforts about public youth programs is confirmed by the survey results, which show that more than three-quarters of participants have little or no information about these programs and their outcomes. At the same time, only about 4% say they are well informed about these programs.

As part of the elaboration of its opinion on youth public programs during the 2016-2021 period, the ESEC requested, from June 29 to July 22, 2022, the contribution of citizens through its platform “ouchariko.ma”.

The results of the survey reflect the participants’ perception of public programs for the youth, particularly in the areas of training, employment, entrepreneurship and social integration. The number of interactions over the subject totaled 27,881, of which 432 were responses to the questionnaire.

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