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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Morocco ranks 123rd in the world in the Human Development Index 2022

El mahjoub Dasaa

Morocco ranked 123 globally out of 191 countries included in the Human Development Report 2022, issued by the United Nations Development Program (‘UNDP), while the Kingdom ranked ninth in the Arab world, behind the UAE, which ranked first regionally, and 26 globally, followed, respectively, by Qatar 42, Kuwait 50, Oman 54, Algeria 91, Egypt 97, Tunisia 97, Iraq 121.

The report, which came this year under the title “Future Industry, in a Transforming World”, confirmed that Morocco’s score reached 0.683 degrees, ahead of last year by 0.021 degrees, to place Morocco in the list of countries with average performance in the field of human development, by monitoring the Kingdom’s progress with three Ranks between 2015 and 2021.

Switzerland ranked first in the world with a score of 0.962, followed by Norway again, then Iceland, Hong Kong in fourth place, while Australia ranked fifth in the world.

It is noteworthy that the Human Development Report is issued by the United Nations Program annually and since 1990, and it is a composite indicator that expresses the level of well-being of peoples through three dimensions: “health, knowledge, and standard of living”, which are represented in four indicators: life expectancy at birth, Expected years of schooling, average years of schooling, and per capita GDP.

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