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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The robber of a bank branch in Casablanca arrested in Marrakech

The elements of the prefectural service of the judicial police of Marrakech, in cooperation with its counterpart in Casablanca and in close coordination with the services of the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DGST), managed, Tuesday afternoon, to challenge the suspect involved in a robbery at knifepoint at a bank branch in Casablanca.

Preliminary investigations, supported by technical expertise and visual identification procedures, made it possible to confuse the defendant and locate him on the outskirts of Marrakech, where he was slapped a few hours after committing these criminal acts in a bus. of transport which was heading towards Tiznit, indicates a press release from the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN).

The excavations and investigations carried out, adds the same source, made it possible to find a sum of 82,850 DH in the possession of the thug, coming from this crime, and to seize the car used in this package that the respondent abandoned in the suburbs of Tit Mellil in Casablanca and in the interior of which was a manuscript where he transcribed the plan and the stages of execution of his criminal conduct.

Preliminary data from the investigation revealed that the suspect, 33, committed the crime in Casablanca under stabbing threat and using a car of the company that employs him, before shaving his beard , to change his clothes and to flee to his hometown near Tiznit.

The defendant was placed in police custody at the disposal of the judicial investigation conducted by the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations (BCIJ) under the DGST in order to elucidate the circumstances and the motive for this criminal act and verify the nature of the threats made by the suspect during his escape attempt.

At this stage of the investigation, the press release notes, search and seizure operations are continuing to find the clothing worn by the defendant when the crime was committed, as well as all possible evidence and presumptions relating thereto, in with a view to subjecting them to the technical and scientific expertise necessary at the Institute of Forensic Sciences of the National Security.

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