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Saturday, July 27, 2024

African Youth Ministers Commend HM the King’s Efforts to Promote Youth Issues

African youth ministers taking part in the African Ministerial Conference on Youth, held Tuesday in Rabat, hailed the efforts of His Majesty King Mohammed VI in promoting youth issues.

In the final statement of the conference, the African ministers stressed that “all the initiatives and projects launched by Morocco, under the leadership of His Majesty the King, may God assist him, in the field of youth deserve to be commended and constitute a model on the continental level, underlining the pioneering role of His Majesty the King in Africa”.

They noted that the Pan-African Youth Union (PYU), has great importance at the level of the continent, as a credible continental institution, welcoming the Union’s dynamics since the establishment of its headquarters in Rabat, said a statement by the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication.

The African Ministers of Youth also stressed the need to adopt the African Youth Charter, which was adopted in 2022 by Morocco and is a roadmap in the field of youth action in Africa.

Furthermore, the statement recalled that several issues of interest to youth were discussed at the African Ministerial Conference on Youth, including the role and place of the PYU as a continental institution dedicated to youth issues.

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